10連休いかがお過ごしでしたか?🤔 楽しめましたか?ゆっくり休めましたか? 今年のゴールデンウィークは長期間だったので、県内か県外へ旅行した人が多いと思います🤔 皆様はどこかにお出かけされましたか?✨ 私は福島県会津若松に行ってきました!鶴ヶ城の美しさと喜多方ラーメン美味しさが令和初旅行の思い出になりました。福島では桜がまだ咲いていたので、もう一度楽しめました 🌸 この長いお休みでいっぱい思い出ができ、リフレッシュもできたので、また今日からお仕事を頑張りましょう!💪🏻
How was your Golden week holiday? 🤔 Did you have fun every day or spent it slowly in a relaxed atmosphere? This year Golden week holiday was long, so I think that there are a lot of people who traveled somewhere. As for me, I went to Fukushima. It was unforgettable little trip, I could see Tsuruga Castle and eat famous Kitakata ramen ☺️ And also, I could have hanami again 🌸 We had enough time for traveling, relaxing, having fun, so let’s do our best till next holidays 😜

How was your Golden week holiday? 🤔 Did you have fun every day or spent it slowly in a relaxed atmosphere? This year Golden week holiday was long, so I think that there are a lot of people who traveled somewhere. As for me, I went to Fukushima. It was unforgettable little trip, I could see Tsuruga Castle and eat famous Kitakata ramen ☺️ And also, I could have hanami again 🌸 We had enough time for traveling, relaxing, having fun, so let’s do our best till next holidays 😜